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Pyramid Seat Product Shot

Unlike most flat or cushioned areas to sit, The Pyramid Seat has been specifically designed to fit the bones of the pelvis. 

  Cradling the pelvic floor not only allows a stable and symmetrical foundation for the spine, but also helps relieve tension and blockages in the pelvis that can translate through the entire body.


Inside The Pyramid Seat is an efficient heating element that boosts its pain relieving results. 

It uses such little power it can be plugged into a laptop while on the go.

At 10 in. wide and less than 2 in. thick, The Pyramid Seat is small enough to bring anywhere and just the right size to put on any chair.


Its antimicrobial, antioxidizing plastic shell is made to last so you can enjoy your Pyramid Seat for a long time.  Each one also comes with a protective fabric cover so its easy to keep clean.


Due to differences in anatomy The Pyramid Seat is available in both male and female versions to assure you sit with the most comfort. 



The unique shape of the Pyramid Seat is the secret to how it works. 

Contrary to what most seats might want you to believe, the bones at the bottom of your pelvis are far from flat. 


When you sit on a flat surface the rounded bottom ridges of your ischial bones suffer the majority of the pressure. 


This creates tension, allows the body to easily sway out of optimal posture and can even degrade the symmetry of the pelvis.

The Pyramid Seat has been carefully designed to solve the many of problems of sitting. 


The holes cradle the ischial bones and keep them symmetrical to one another, as well as help tilt the pelvis into correct sitting posture.


The tailbone bump and the middle ridge cradle the middle of the pelvis and stimulate acupoints. 

The heating function heightens the effects and provides more comfort.





"The Location Of The Pelvis Is The Most Important Element That Determines The Sagittal (Left/Right) Alignment And Posture Of The Body"

-Vaz. G, Roussouly P, Berthonnaud E, et al. : Sagittal morphology and the equilibrium of pelvis and spine.  Eur Spine J, 2002, 11 : 80-87

The importance of the spine and pelvis in the human body are never understated, but how do they relate to each other? 

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The spine is a tower of 24 complex bones that sits on a large butterfly shaped bone, known as the pelvis.  This tower's foundation is a flat pad in the middle of the pelvis and arguably one of the most important joints for structural alignment.


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If the pelvis is twisted or turned in any way, L5 (the vertebra in contact with the pelvis) will move as well.  Because this is the bottom of the spinal tower it causes a progression of imbalance across the entire spine, and eventually the rest of the body.



The symmetrical nature of the Pyramid Seat is another health boosting feature.  The two holes help guide and indicate the horizontal alignment of the pelvis to itself and the rest of the body.  This feature helps the users awareness of their own misalignment become more clear, allowing faster recovery.

The bottom of the pelvis is far from flat, and keeping it in the correct position while sitting on a flat surface can be challenging and painful.  The Pyramid Seat solves this problem by providing support in the areas around the pelvis that aren't in contact with the chair.  This helps core muscles relax instead of tightening to stabilize the posture.

Pain all over the body can be rooted in the spine.  When nerves around the spine become pinched or irritated they may send numerous different types of messages to the brain.


Sciatica can be described as a hot burning pain down the outside and back of the legs, while its cause is almost exclusively from irritation of the nerves of the lower spine.



The pelvis is home to vital areas of the human body.  When sitting for excessive amounts of time becomes a common occurrence, the posture, flexibility and efficiency of the pelvis declines.  This slowly deteriorates the ability of other processes in the body to function

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Major blood vessels located in the pelvis can become restricted, lowering the circulation efficiency of the cardiovascular system.  Long term abuse in this way may lead to heart problems or other cardiovascular diseases, as well as lack of focus from lack of blood flow to the brain.


The lymph system requires movement to function so its no wonder why a sedentary lifestyle can damage it.  Pinching these pathways from sitting can result in water retention and weak immune system.

Pinched nerves in the pelvic area can have a big effect on pain in the body, as well as the information passed through the body.  The pelvis houses a complex chain of nerve pathways helping deliver information throughout your entire body.  Compromising these pathways can have serious effects.

When circulation has slowed and certain nerves are being pinched while sitting, the homonal glands of the endocrine system fail to function efficiently. Fatigue, sexual dysfunction, weight gain and hormone imbalance can all be cause by bad pelvic health and sitting for too long.

​Bladder muscles may become weak from deteriorating nerve and blood pathways in the pelvis over time.  This may result in frequency of urination and incontinence.  Making sure the posture of the pelvis is not the root cause of these problems can save a lot of time. 

Pelvic misalignment may be a factor in certain problems with menstrual health as well.  Pinched blood vessles and nerves may restrict flow or cause excessive cramiping.

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Low basal body temperature may be an indication that immune functions are weakened in the body.  Your body's immune system is not just for the common cold or flu.  Cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, liver disease and more can all be prevented with a strong immune system.  Circulation is the key.  When the immune system has the ability to circulate fluids throughout the body, the body has full benefit from its functions.  Cold areas of the body (indicating slower circulation) naturally will receive less and slower help from the immune system.


One experiment showed the the Pyramid Seats ability to raise basal body temperature with ease.  A woman with low body temperature was asked to simply sit on the Pyramid Seat for thirty minutes so we could record the changes.  Using a thermal imaging camera we took pictures before and after.  Even though the seat itself was under her butt, the circulation in her whole body started to improve.  This was easy to see as some of the areas of her body had increased over 4 degrees F.



30%-50% adults suffer from insomnia symptoms. 

Woman Sleeping

In traditional western medicine treatment for insomnia is usually medication or therapy.  Medication to help sleep can become costly, have side effects, and even loose its ability to help over time. ​


The inability to relax when you want to sleep is basically what insomnia is.  The Pyramid Seat can help promote deep sleep with its ability to align and relax the body. 


In Traditional Chinese Medicine the energy flow of the body is the highest concern.  In order for deep sleep to occur, energy needs to flow downward and away from the head and upper body.  Energy  blockages around the pelvis are very common in adults and inhibit this beneficial flow from occurring.


The Pyramid Seat can clear blockages in the pelvic floor by promoting symmetrical pelvic alignment and applying soothing heat.  This combination creates energy circulation throughout the body and helps you get energy flowing in the direction you want. 

"I decided that I would try using the pyramid seat every night for a week.  I set it up on a chair so I could watch TV with my husband.  The first night as I sat on it I could feel my whole body relaxing just melting away.  I noticed that even my arms felt relaxed and warm..   I slept like a baby that night.

The second day I had a lower back ache from some yard work   I sat on the seat for about 40 minutes.  At first I had to readjust my position a little more until I got comfortable, and within 40 minutes of sitting on the seat the pain just vanished!  Again I slept really well!

Third night I put the pyramid seat on the carpet and I decided to do some Yoga and Qi Gong deep stretches.  The seat and it’s warmth helped me to loosen up so I could get a deeper stretch.  My whole lower body and especially my right hip felt so much better after I used the seat that night.


On the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh day I continued to use the seat on the ground.  I found all sorts of stretches that would stimulate different areas of my body and just warm them up and melt away any tension or pain.  The Pyramid Seat has really helped me to sleep more soundly."  -LEF



Truck Car Park

Driving for a living increases the chances of developing a number of unfavorable conditions.  Sleep, stress, vision, blood flow, and metabolic problems are very common among drivers.  With everything else there is to worry about on the road, most drivers have very little time to take care of themselves.  Medication is a quick and easy route, but usually develops into more problems down the line.


From the TCM perspective, most of the long term problems associated with driving for long periods of time come from stagnant energy accumulating in the upper body.  Sitting, staring at the road, barely using the muscles in the legs, tilting the neck forward, and constantly trying to be alert for long periods of time will pull energy upward.  At the same time the legs are bent in a sitting position blocking the flow to go back down.


The Pyramid Seat helps stimulate meridians in the pelvis allowing energy to flow more easily through the body.  As the pelvic bones start to sink into the seat, muscles and tendons around the pelvic floor are pressed by the weight of the body.  Stimulating these points releases tension and stress throughout the body, by allowing it to flow downward.


The heating function is a perfect accompaniment to the seat, allowing it to relax the pelvic floor faster, while being specially designed at a safe temperature for long term use.





Some of the most common causes of obesity are endocrine disorders.  


Currently there are no cures in western medicine, but there are some long term drugs with side effects that can help the body cope with specific endocrine imbalances like low thyroid.


Basically, if you become obese from an endocrine disorder, exercise and calorie control may be the only options you are aware of.


Many natural therapies including Traditional Chinese Medicine, understand obesity in a different way than western medicine, and treatment is much more focused on specific areas of weight gain or wieghtloss.. 


A Meridian blockage may contribute to an organ imbalance, and in turn an accumulation of fat in a certain area. 

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Have you ever wondered why some people can loose weight and keep it off effortlessly while others struggle to loose even a single pound?  Or, maybe you know someone who works out constantly and complains about not getting any bigger.  To assume that weight loss or gain can solely be contributed to with exercise and diet becomes more and more illogical the more cases one sees.  Although diet and exercise play a huge part in the health and wellbeing of everyone, it is not the only avenue needed to take in order to maximize the health of the body.


Traditional Chinese Medicine has identified meridian pathways through the body that are the foundation for all metabolism and water movement functions.  It is their theory that balancing these energy pathways along with diet and exercise can transform a body into whatever it wants to be.

For example, the accumulation of fat or inability to grow muscle on the abdomen and outer thighs indicates that there are problems with the kidneys, kidney meridians, bladder, and bladder meridians.


Complications on the outer side of the buttocks indicates the obstruction of the liver and gall bladder meridians.


Problems over the whole body indicate blockages in the Spleen and/or Stomach Meridians. 


In this perspective weight gain or weight loss can be a symptom of a deeper problem.  So to in order to loose weight, and keep it off, or gain weight and keep it on the goal is to balance the internal organs and optimize health.

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Blockages around the buttocks and groin are usually seen along these meridians in the form of tight tendons and muscle fibers.  (use a photo of the perineum and mark the relevant meridians).


  The Pyramid Seat helps open blockages in these areas which translate up through the endocrine glands near the reproductive system and kidneys.


 With certain exercises designed to take advantage of these opening channels, the pancreas, spleen, thymus, thyroid, and even the brain can benefit.

When you sit on the pyramid seat and move your buttocks slightly, you can feel the pressure shift into different areas around your pelvis.  This helps you to 

 find blockages, massage them, and clear them.  The heating element helps speed up the results, relaxing the muscles and tendons, opening up the meridians and shedding the cold, damp, negative energy trapped in this area.



"Open the perineum and you stimulate all the energy channels."

-Li Shizhen

In many eastern medicine practices, finding and clearing blockages on the meridians of the body are the focal point for diagnosing and treating illness.


Meridians are energy pathways that connect the entire body through a network.  In order for meridians to perform, they need to let energy flow efficiently through them. 


Many things can cause blockages to this flow of energy, but a blockage almost always manifests itself the same way.  The tight, dense tissue many would call a "knot" forms, indicating the presence of cramped muscle, restricted fluid flow, and most likely, tenderness and pain.


  Because the meridian network connects the entire body, blockages along meridians usually effect other areas of the body over time.  Imbalances along a single meridian or between two others causes the body to change the way it functions, furthering the imbalance.  The more important a meridian, the more problems it can create.

8 Extraordinary Meridians



Two main groups of meridians work together supplying the body with energy to fulfill its tasks; the 12 principle and the 8 extraordinary meridians.  The 8 extraordinary meridians serve as deep wells of energy that the 12 principle meridians can tap into.  Insuring that the 8 extraordinary meridians are functioning optimally is vital.  Blockages along these meridians have the highest risk of throwing the entire body out of balance.

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This is similar to a system of freeways and roadways.  The 8 extraordinary meridians are like main freeways and the smaller roadways are more like the 12 principle meridians.  A blockage along a smaller roadway probably wont have a big impact on overall traffic, but if something happened on a major freeway, the potential for large amounts of traffic increases significantly.

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All 8 of the extraordinary meridians run through and around the pelvis, making this area stand out as a clear energy hub of the body.  Opening or clearing a blockage in the perineum, located dead center at the bottom of the pelvic floor, has been viewed as the major catalyst for healing of many ailments

Although there are a staggering amount of ways to try to clear an energetic blockage, one of the easiest ones that takes the least amount of knowledge or effort is heat and massage. 


The Pyramid Seat allows you to relax and let gravity do the massaging for you.  The seat has been designed to apply pressure on special points along the 8 extraordinary meridians to help prevent and clear blockages. 


At first when sitting on the Pyramid Seat you may feel the "knots" and blockages.  As you sit longer on the seat tight muscles and tendons begin to relax letting gravity sink you down deeper.  The mild heat soothes knots and releases unnecessary tension.  Simple motions and exercises may be used to focus in on certain areas of the pelvis to check for knots or massage them out. 

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